Nicholas Waldron

Church of St. John the Evangelist, Riverhead

High School: Riverhead High School,

College: Catholic University of America

Hobbies: Mountaineering, Traveling, Cooking

Favorite Saint: St. Maximilian Kolbe

Favorite Bible Verse: Mt. 28:20 “And behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Favorite Book: “Wild at Heart” John Eldridge

Influencers to your vocation: Bishop Emil Wcela, Bishop Robert Barron, Fr. Joe Fitzgerald

Early movements in your vocation: The first time I considered the priesthood was during my confirmation retreat in 8th grade. I felt a strong pulling within my heart to encounter people in the struggles and joys of their lives. Having been quite young at the time, I didn’t take this call seriously. The second time I considered the priesthood was in high school when I developed a strong desire to enter the military. I was shocked one day by an image of a priest celebrating mass on the deck of an aircraft carrier. I realized that the priesthood was much bigger and wide reaching than I originally thought, and I started to take the calling seriously.